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Pyramid of Doom


What is the Pyramid Of Doom?

func pyramidOfDoom() {
    if (user != null) {
        // do something
        if (user.name != null) {
            // do something
            if (user.status != null) {
                // if...
                            //if... you get the gist

Wikipedia defines it as: a common problem that arises when a program uses many levels of nested indentation to control access to a function.

I ran into this problem recently at work when I was creating a helper function for a larger function, and saw that the code within the function created this nested visual pattern. I thought nothing of it since the code worked (junior dev mistake), but something just felt off. Why was the objective of my function nested within 3+ if statements?

A senior dev helped me realize the error of my ways when he pointed out the "Pyramid of Doom" concept to me. Through some simple guard clauses, I was able to declutter the visual mess and make my code look cleaner and more visually appealing, also just logically easier to read since a future reader wouldn't have to parse X amount of if-statements to see what the objective of the function is.

So what's the solution to this?

Well it's dependent on the language you're using. Being a previous Android dev using Kotlin, I would take the above code example and rewrite it like this:

fun pyramidOfDoom() {
    if (user == null) return
    // do stuff

This if (user == null) return line is known as a guard clause. Instead of nesting logic within a block of code that begins with checking if the user is NOT null, we could just end our code early if the user IS null.

(This is a simple example without going too deep into Kotlin's "?." operator and other ways of null safety.)

But Swift also has it's own ways of null checking...

'If let'

func pyramidOfDoom(){
    if let userName = user.name {
        print("The user's name is \(userName)")

Through the usage of if let, we're able to check if user.name has a value and assign that value to a variable. Within the scope of the if let block, we know the value is not null and able to use it however way we want.


func pyramidOfDoom(){
    guard let userName = user.name else { return }

    print("The user's name is \(userName)")

guard is another way of null safety in Swift and allows us to combat the "Pyramid of Doom". The difference between this and if let is we now have a greater scope to use our non-null value. With if let, the value is only non-null within the scope of the block. With guard, if the value is not null then we can use it throughout the whole function scope.

Thanks for reading!