Misiel is a software engineer with a skill set in mobile development, building features for millions of users and working in large codebases. His career started off at Medium in 2019, where he was a mobile developer. As an intern, he worked on the team that developed the core feature Reading List which was a one-stop shop for the user's reading needs. Later on he developed the new mobile experience which took Medium from a "scrolling feed" state into a more personable and relatable direction where a user could curate their following and see the content that mattered to them.
In 2021, Misiel went on to work at Twitter as a mobile developer where he worked on building internal tooling for other developer teams at Twitter. Through this tooling, he increased the productivity and efficiency of the other mobile developers at Twitter by providing metrics, IDE plugins, and automated processes which made developing easier and more frictionless.
Now, Misiel is looking to continue growing in iOS development and return back to feature work where his passion lies. It is through developing user-facing features that Misiel feels better connected to users and his creative output can manifest in interesting and innovative ways.